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REDD+ Project

What is REDD+?

The Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation project is a mechanism proposed by the United Nations to mitigate climate change; the mechanism is specially designed to support developing countries to fight deforestation and degradation. The plus implies that projects under this mechanism will not only fight deforestation but will also enhance forest sustainable management and conservation and carbon stocks.

Meaning that forests are recognized not only as wood providers but also as vital ecosystems for local communities and biodiversity.

The REDD+ Project for the Caribbean Guatemala: The Conservation Coast

The REDD+ Project for the Caribbean Guatemala is located in the Izabal Department, specifically in the cities of Puerto Barrios, Livingston and Morales. This project will have an estimated duration of 30 years

The Project is validated under VCS and CCB standards, with a Biodiversity Gold Level. The project is the result of the commitment of more than 1,000 forest owners to protect 55,000 hectares of tropical forests. The project started in 2012 an up to date it has avoided more than 4,423,879 tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions2).


The largest grouped project in the world

1,152 landowners and landowners from more than 60 communities participate in the REDD+ Project. This way, a total of 550 bilateral contracts for the transfer of Carbon Rights were signed, and 17 community forests were included in the Project.

For the implementation of the Project, a process of "Prior, Free and Informed Consultation" was carried out that included the participation of nearly 3,000 people in more than 100 meetings at the national, regional and local levels!

To the date …

3,797,897 Verified Carbon Units –VCUs-, were generated

70 girls benefitted from the scholarship program. The program seeks to support multiannual scholarships so girls can finish elementary school and high school.

231 forest owners benefited with forest incentives. FUNDAECO provides with technical assistance, the preparation of forest inventories and the preparation forest management plans, so forest owners can be benefitted from the government forest incentives program PINFOR, PROBOSQUE and PINPEP.

279 farmers are being supported with access to technical assistance and supplies for their agroforestry projects.

12,864 students have participated in environmental education activities. FUNDAECO organizes and provides environmental talks, fairs and guided visits to natural reserves in order to raise awareness on Climate Change and the conservation values of the Caribbean conservation coast.

47,629 people were provided with access to health services. Through our women´s clinics network we are providing health services to isolated, particularly to rural women.

14,443 hectares of watersheds are under enhanced protection their addition to the REDD+ Project. This watersheds provides water to more than 170 communities that live in the protected areas and adjacent areas.

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