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Living Seas

We manage and preserve ecosystems and marine coast resources of Guatemala and the Gulf of Honduras.

FUNDAECO promotes the creation of marine protected areas and of zones destined to preserve fisheries. Among these zones are: the Not Fishing Zones or Fishing Harbors that are zones clearly defined where fishing is completely restricted during a reasonable period, allowing the recovery of fisheries, and the Fishing Recovery Zones that are the zones where only low impact fishing art is allowed, achieving to avoid their collapse and their recovery.

These instruments are created in a consultation process with all interested actors in order not to affect food security from fishing communities. For Living Seas program, FUNDAECO in an alliance with CEMA, DISPESCA and SENACYT support, has achieved La Garza ship as a platform for marine and oceanographic research, training in fishing and sea studies, and marine environmental education. La Garza currently sales in the Guatemalan Caribbean waters, and will be very soon sailing in Gulf of Honduras waters.

Living Seas Programs